"The VRFC team are providing the perfect transition from preschool soccer, the sessions are engaging, challenging and designed to bring their soccer skills to the next level. They work very hard with the kids not only to accomplish the skills required to play the beautiful game, but also train their thinking about movement off the ball and the need to support their teammates. It’s great to see such enthusiastic and beneficial soccer coaching available in our city. The children are being prepared to play with thoughtful and progressive coaching and having a lot fun along the way.
The excellent coaches consistently come up with fun and engaging training sessions. Our kids are hooked on soccer now, have made some great new friends, and are developing skills in the game we never thought possible given their age. Love it.
The acquisition of soccer skills and fun the kids had with the coaches far exceeded our expectations. Both our kids are hooked on soccer for life now. We can’t wait for the next sessions."
— Chris, Parent